Memory Verse: Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few” (Matt. 9:37) NKJV
Desire To See Jesus
Lk. 9:1-9
Do you know that there are some people who desire to see Jesus when you preach the gospel to them? When Herod heard about the power of Jesus, the salvation, the healing, the comfort that He is giving to those who belong to Him, He desired to see and know Him? You may not identify such people except you preach the gospel to them. When Herod heard about the great power of Jesus, he was perplexed and some people confused Herod that Jesus was either John the Baptist that had been beheaded but who came back to life or Elijah. But Herod wanted to be sure of the personality of Jesus. He therefore, sought to see Jesus. Do you desire to see Jesus? Have you sought Him with all your heart and time? When you see Jesus, your heart will receive positive turn around.
Point of Emphasis: You will find Jesus if you diligently seek Him with all your heart.
Prayer Point: Lord, Jesus, I want to see You working in these areas of my life (mention those areas)
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