“So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19).
Thur. 25/12/2014
Being Attentive As A Spectator Or A Consumer
Jn. 6:53-66
As the word of God is being preached or taught, some people do not think the word has anything to do with their lives. Instead they think of other members of the congregation to whom the word is appropriate. They do not receive the word for themselves but for others. They are mere spectators. Another group of members of the congregation are those who shop around for the word they believe is applicable to their problems or needs. Any word that is not directly applicable to their problems or needs are discarded. If the preacher does not change his message to meet their needs, they move ahead to shop for a preacher who will meet their needs. These are just consumers looking for acceptable commodity. Either as spectator or consumer, the Christian lacks the right attitude to grow spiritually.
Point of Emphasis: Do not abandon the word because you think it does not apply to your present need.
Prayer Point: May Your word, as a hammer, break every door that is closed against Your word, oh Lord.
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