Pastor (Dr) E. O. Abina
“Once when large crowds of people were going along with Jesus, he turned and said to them, “Those who come to me cannot be my disciples unless they love me more than they love father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and themselves as well. Those who do not carry their own cross and come after me cannot be my disciples. If one of you is planning to build a tower, you sit down first and figure out what it will cost, to see if you have enough money to finish the job. If you don’t, you will not be able to finish the tower after laying the foundation; and all who see what happened will make fun of you. ‘You began to build but can’t finish the job!’ they will say. If a king goes out with ten thousand men to fight another king who comes against him with twenty thousand men, he will sit down first and decide if he is strong enough to face that other king. If he isn’t, he will send messengers to meet the other king to ask for terms of peace while he is still a long way off. In the same way,” concluded Jesus, “none of you can be my disciple unless you give up everything you have” (Lk.14:25-33 GNB).
The cost of being a disciple of Christ is not as cheap as many professing Christians think. To many, following Jesus means going to church every Sunday with a Bible and a hymn book. To several others, following Jesus or being His disciple means wearing a tiny emblem of the cross on their dress. Many people today go to church or revival meetings only for the purpose of survival- healings, miracles, promotion, protection, blessings and so on. As a matter of fact, all these are not bad but to be a disciple of Jesus is much more than all of these.
Who is a disciple? Literally, a scholar, a learner, especially one who believes in the doctrine of his teacher and follows him. In this passage, when Jesus saw a lot of people following Him, He observed that they did not understand the full implications of being His disciple so he called them and spelled out what it meant to be His disciple. If we look at the cost carnally you find that it is almost impossible to meet the requirements, but it is not. It only means that you have to surrender all. Jesus has to be at the top of your agenda, He is not to take the second place. He must be first in all. The doctrine of Jesus should override anything that others that are related to you might demand or teach you, not even your parents if it is contrary to Jesus’ doctrine.
The life of Jesus was a true picture of a true disciple of His. He did not do anything that was contrary to the will of God His Father. He allowed God’s will to override His own will even when it came to the issue of His death which He could avert if He wished to (Matt.26:39, Jn. 10:17,18).
Discipleship is not an easy affair; it is a matter of carrying your own cross and following Jesus. The cross may be heavy but it can never outweigh His grace. Jesus did not ask the church to make just converts but disciples. I may need to talk more on this next week God willing. In the light of all these, Jesus said in our passage it will be wise for you to ask yourself, am I a disciple of Christ or a bread-seeker? Is Jesus really my Lord? That is the One who has supreme authority over my life? Have I truly given up all to Jesus? Am I following and obeying His doctrine? These and some other questions you need to ask yourself and answer them. But mind you, Jesus will not ask you to do what is impossible. His yoke is easy and His burden is light if we will submit to Him.
Christianity goes beyond going to church alone; it means being Jesus’ disciple- learn His doctrine, believe His words, and follow His footsteps and it shall be well with you.
Remain blessed.
Le prix d’être disciple du Christ n’est pas aussi moins cher comme le pensent plusieurs chrétiens de profession. Pour la plupart, suivre Jésus veut dire aller à l’église tous les dimanches, muni d’une Bible et d’un livre de cantiques. Pour plusieurs d’autres, suivre Jésus ou être son disciple veut dire porter un tout petit emblème de la croix sur leurs vêtements. En effet, plusieurs gens de nos jours se rendent à l’église ou aux réunions de réveil pour des raisons de survie, de guérison, de miracles, de promotion, de protection, de bénédiction et ainsi de suite. Toutes ces choses ne sont pas mauvaises mais être disciple de Jésus est beaucoup plus que tout cela.
Qui est un disciple ? De façon littéraire, c’est un savant, un apprenant surtout celui ou celle qui croit en la doctrine du maître et qui le suit. Dans ce passage, quand Jésus vit la multitude le suivre, il remarqua qu’ils n’avaient pas compris de façon radicale les implications d’être son disciple ; il les appela et leur fit savoir ce que c’est que d’être un disciple. De manière charnelle, si nous considérons le prix, nous découvrons qu’il est presqu’impossible de satisfaire les exigences, ce qui n’est pas le cas. Ça signifie seulement que tu dois renoncer à tout. Jésus doit être au premier plan, il n’a pas à occuper la seconde place. Il doit être premier en tout. La doctrine de Jésus doit l’emporter sur n’importe quelle chose que tes proches pourraient te demander ou t’enseigner, même pas tes parents si cela va à l’encontre de la doctrine de Jésus.
La vie de Jésus fut une vraie image d’un disciple sincère qui relève de lui. Il n’eût rien fait qui soit contraire à la volonté de Dieu son Père. Il permit que la volonté de Dieu l’emporte sur sa propre volonté même lorsqu’il s’agissait de la question de sa mort qu’il pouvait éviter s’il le souhaitait. (Matt. 26:39; Jean 10:17-18).
L’apostolat n’est pas une affaire facile ; c’est une question de porter sa propre croix et de suivre Jésus. La croix pourrait être lourde mais elle ne peut pas dépasser sa grâce. Jésus n’avait pas demandé à l’église de faire de simples convertis mais des disciples. S’il plaît à Dieu, nous pourrions en parler plus là-dessus la semaine prochaine. A la lumière de tout ceci, Jésus dit dans notre passage qu’il serait sage pour toi de te poser la question de savoir si tu es un disciple du Christ ou un chercheur de pain ? Jésus est-il réellement mon Seigneur ? Est-ce lui qui a autorité sur ma vie? Ai-je tout laissé à Jésus ? Suis-je en train de suivre et d’obéir à sa doctrine? Tu as besoin de te poser toi-même ces questions et d’autres et de les répondre. Mais fais attention, Jésus ne te demandera pas de faire l’impossible. Son joug est doux et son fardeau léger si nous nous soumettons à lui.
Le christianisme va au-delà d’aller seulement à l’église; ça veut dire être un disciple de Jésus: apprends sa doctrine, crois à ses paroles et suis ses pas et tu prospéreras au nom de Jésus. Demeure béni.
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