Memory Verse:
And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them saying, “This is My body which is given for you, do this in remembrance of Me” (Lk. 22:19) NKJV.
Apostle Paul points out the significance of what believers are doing when they participate in the Lord’s Supper. What they are simply saying is that they still believe, for some had believed before and are no longer holding true to their belief that Jesus died for their sins for them to be saved and they are publicly affirming and proclaiming their faith in the death of Jesus till He comes back. Those who will finally be saved are not those who proclaim Jesus death for sometimes and forget about it but those who constantly believe it, affirm it and proclaim it to others till Christ comes. Will you be among this last group?
Point of Emphasis: For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.
Prayer Point: Lord, help me to believe in and proclaim Your death, till You come.
n lesson eight on water baptism, it was mentioned that Jesus instituted two
ordinances for Christians and that they include water baptism and the Lord’s
Supper. Just as baptism is the initiation of the person into the Church, the Lord’s Supper is the continuation of that identity with the Church and with the Lord by the believer. It is the primary way we are reminded of God’s commitment to and covenant with His people, through Christ.
It is instructive to note that the event that preceded the inauguration of the Lord’s Supper was the celebration of the Passover feast (v. 2 cf. Exo. 12). As Jesus was eating with the disciples, He took bread, that is, the unleavened bread which they used at the celebration of the Passover, broke it and distributed to the disciples to eat after blessing it. The breaking of the bread symbolised the sufferings of Jesus which was about to take place. His body broken or wounded for sin. The bread represents Jesus’ body. The broken bread shows the manner in which His body would be broken.
After the bread, He took the cup of wine, which they used at the feast of the Passover, gave thanks unto God and told them to drink of it. He told them that the wine represents His blood to be shed and the new testament or new covenant that God was about to make with men through the Redeemer. In the ancient times, covenants or contracts were ratified by slaying an animal, by the shedding of its blood and calling down similar vengeance if either party failed in the covenant. So Jesus says the covenant with God is about to form with men, the new covenant, which is sealed or ratified with His blood.
All this was done after the eating of the Passover feast. Thus Jesus took two traditional parts of the Passover meal – the eating of bread and the drinking of wine – and gave them new meaning as representations of His body and blood. He used the bread and wine to explain the significance of what He was about to do on the cross, thereby inaugurating the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. This Supper was significant because it was the last Jesus ate with the disciples before His crucifixion.
The birth of Jesus, popularly referred to as Christmas, is a world-wide celebration which many people always look forward to. Christmas is being celebrated by both believers and unbelievers alike. But as popular as this celebration is, it is not commanded to be done by Jesus throughout the Scripture. It is a human tradition and invention brought up to honour the period of Jesus’ birth. However, the issue of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion is a command of Jesus to be done in remembrance of Him. It is done in remembrance of how He offered His body and blood for the remission of the sins of the whole world. Therefore, the Lord’s Supper should not be seen as a Church dogma but rather as a command of Jesus and it is Biblical and all true believer must desire it and participate in it in obedience to the command of Jesus.
Apostle Paul, while writing to the Corinthian Christians and putting the Lord’s Supper in proper perspective to them, emphasised the fact that the ordinance is not a human invention but an ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ Himself in the night when He was betrayed. Paul is saying in essence that the Lord’s Supper is not a human invention, it is not His own devise but it is of divine warrant and is holy in its nature and is to be observed in the exact manner prescribed by the Lord Himself.
When Jesus inaugurated the Lord’s Supper, He said the bread represents His body and the wine, His blood, which He would give for the remission of sin. Paul reiterates this and adds that any time believers are gathered together to eat at the Lord’s table, what they are doing in essence is to re-enact, to replay and to re-live Christ death and to proclaim it till Jesus comes again (v. 26). In other words, as often as believers participate in the Lord’s Supper, they set forth or exhibit, in an impressive manner, the fact that Jesus was put to death and exhibit the emblems of His broken body and shed blood, through the bread and wine taken and they reaffirm their belief of the fact that He died for their sins and that of humanity. Like water baptism, the Lord’s Supper is to be a public confession and affirmation of a believer’s belief in the death of the Saviour.
The Lord’s Supper, represented by the eating of bread and drinking of wine, is the ordinance commanded by Jesus. It is to be done in remembrance of the significance of Jesus’ death for the remission of sins of humanity. It is to be done on a continual basis in the Churches until Jesus comes again. By observing this special meal, the believers are affirming their belief in, as well as announcing, the Lord’s death. All believers must always look forward to the observance of this ordinance.
L’apôtre Paul montre l’importance de ce que les croyants font quand ils participent au repas du Seigneur. Ce qu’ils disent simplement est qu’ils croient encore car d’autres avaient cru auparavant mais ne s’attèlent plus à la véracité de leur croyance en ce sens que Jésus est mort pour leurs péchés pour qu’ils soient sauvés et qu’ils affirment et proclament publiquement leur foi en la mort de Jésus jusqu’à ce qu’il vienne. Ceux qui seront finalement sauvés ne sont pas ce qui proclament la mort de Jésus pour quelque temps et l’oublient mais ceux qui y croient constamment, l’affirment et la proclament aux autres jusqu’à ce que Jésus vienne. Feras-tu partie de ce dernier groupe?
Point essentiel : Car autant que tu manges ce pain et que tu boives cette coupe, tu proclames la mort du Seigneur, jusqu’à ce qu’il vienne.
Axe de prière : Seigneur, aide-moi à croire et à proclamer ta mort, jusqu’à ce que tu viennes.
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