Unit 1 Theme: The Necessity Of Revival (Lessons 1-6)
8/6/2014 LESSON 2
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 69, 75
Devotional Reading: PSALM 85:4-9
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Scripture Lessons
1 JN. 2:15-17; 2 TIM. 3:5; AMOS 6:1; REV. 3:15-16; MATT. 6:33; COL. 3:1-5
Memory verse: If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. (Col. 3:1-2) NKJV
God provided all that the Church in the wilderness needed – materially, spiritually and physically. Notwithstanding, the people were not satisfied. They lusted for those things which God did not provide. In some Churches, the members may not be satisfied with the rich, spiritual food the ministers are providing. They want other things so that they can be like other congregations. They lust for freedom to do things that will lead to spiritual downfall. They demand for associations that will bring into the Church spiritual pollution. They cry for a lifestyle that will bring worldliness unto the altar. Their lust brings God’s wrath upon the Church. What is that desire of your heart which will lead you astray from God?
Point of Emphasis: The Church should flee from every form of lust that will bring God’s wrath.
Prayer Point: Father, deliver me from the spirit of lust, make my life free from evil desires.
Worldly people’s ethics is “do what you like, want whatever you want and
get whatever you can”. This thought is common with those who don’t want
to follow God’s way for their lives.
When God’s people are also engulfed in this unholy thought and practise, it shows that we have taken steps away from God’s direction. In time like that, Christians must re-appraise their stands with a view to normalising where they have strayed away. This week’s lesson enjoins us to be careful of misplaced desire for excessive materialism.
John wrote this epistle to those who had given their lives to Christ (saved soul) – the living Church. He encouraged them that they should not love the world and all it offers. He affirmed that people who love the world do not love God. This is because the physical gratification, greed and worldly lifestyle do not emanate from the Father. He also drew our attention to the fact that the world and the glamour it offers would pass away.
When the Church seems to enjoy worldly activities, rivalry, competition, dressing, foul languages etc, then there is a need for Holy Ghost revival. We should be able to check our desire to see if it is from God. 1 John 2:16-17 tells us that not all desires are from God. Since the world and its desire will pass away then, self-control, which has eternal reward, must be our watchword. The Church should be careful of worldly and lustful desire that can deprive her of the presence of God.
The Church thrives well under the leadership of those who are not traitors but teach, preach and live the truth. Both the leader’s and the led should pursue a model right attitude that will make others to submit to God. However, when those who appear godly but lack the power of godliness strife to take over the Church, this is the time that revival is mostly needed. The Church must take godly stand in such a tough situation.
God condemned the Israelites who were comfortable without paying attention to those who are bruised. The attitude of those who are at ease and have become complacent or indifferent is considered as pride (Amos 6:1). There is an urgent need for revival when men or the Church begin to give the glory due to God to themselves.
God is not happy with lukewarmness, this is the reason why the Church in Laodicea was condemned in Revelation 3:16 “But since you are lukewarm and not hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of My mouth”.
Those who don’t know Jesus Christ accurately may find it difficult to follow Him diligently. Any Church or member who doesn’t know Him well tends to be lukewarm. The only solution to lukewarmness is intimacy with Jesus Christ through God’s approved revival.
Jesus knew that we would be tempted to focus on things. In view of this, He reminded us to stop worrying about earthly possession. Rather, we should use our energy thinking about ways to serve God. When we do this, He promises to satisfy our other needs (Matt. 6:33).
A worldly, worrying Church is alienated from the control of God. A Church bedevilled with fornication, lustful passion, wealth-worship, uncleanness, evil desire etc shows that their lives are not hidden in Christ Jesus. Colossians 3:2 admonishes us to set our minds on things above in order to obtain a lofty goal of avoiding carnality and live to please God. The ultimate power to defeat love for excessive materialism is to lay aside the indisciplined pattern of life and get up and act. This calls for sober reflection and living to please Him who had delivered us from the bondage of sin. God will do amazing things if we can pour out our hearts to Him through prayer in humility and in faith.
This lesson calls for decision-making. There are three choices: we may continue to please ourselves, please others or please God. The right thing to do is to please God – act now.
Dieu pourvoyait tout ce dont l’église dans le désert avait besoin : matériellement, spirituellement et physiquement. Cependant, les hommes n’en étaient pas satisfaits. Ils convoitaient ces choses-là que Dieu n’avait pas pourvues. Dans certaines églises, les membres pourraient ne pas être satisfaits de la riche nourriture spirituelle fournie les ministres. Ils désirent autres choses afin qu’ils puissent ressembler aux autres congrégations. Ils convoitent la liberté pour faire les choses qui conduisent à la chute spirituelle. Ils demandent des associations qui apporteront dans l’église la pollution spirituelle. Ils crient pour un style de vie qui apportera la mondanité sur l’autel. Leur convoitise apporte la colère de Dieu sur l’église. Quel est le désir de ton cœur qui t’éloignera de Dieu ?
Point essentiel : L’église doit fuir de toute forme de convoitise qui peut entraîner la colère de Dieu.
Axe de prière : Père, délivre-moi de l’esprit de convoitise et que ma vie soit libérée de tout mauvais désir.
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