Unit 1 Theme: The Necessity Of Revival (Lessons 1-6)
6/7/2014 LESSON 6
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 229, 231
Devotional Reading: ACTS 14:21-28
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Scripture Lesson
ACTS 17:10-17; MATT. 28:19-20;
EPH. 4:11-16
Memory verse: Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19) NKJV
Sun. 6/7/2014
Established In The Faith
Col. 2:1-8
Discipleship training should aim at making members stronger in faith. The Church is filled with so many members whose faith goes up and down like a roller coaster. They seem to be strong in faith when conditions are favourable but weak in faith when conditions are adverse. Revival cannot last in an atmosphere of unsteady faith. A congregation with members having strong faith will experience the move of God continually, walk worthy of Christ and enjoy uninterrupted revival. Paul kept praying for the Colossian Christians to be established in the faith so that they will be filled with the knowledge of God. Do not allow your faith to go up and down. Keep your faith steady holding on to the Lord.
Point of Emphasis: As you have received Christ, so walk in Him established in the faith.
Prayer Point: Father, grant me to be established in faith and to walk worthy of You.
Discipleship simply means: the process of making disciples. Discipleship,
therefore, is turning unbelievers to believers, believer to disciples and
disciples to disciple maker. If these happen regularly in a Church, it is obvious and undisputable that there is REVIVAL in that Church.
The core ministry of the Church is winning the lost for Christ and growing the people won. Discipleship is the focus of this week’s lesson taken from the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Church. Any Church that is revived must be Great Commission compliant. The Great Commission incorporates three steps – Go and make disciples, assimilate the people won and teach them to observe all things about Jesus.
There must be individual reward for awakening in the Church before the whole Church can rise to her responsibility. Let us use the narration of the Berean Christians as a case study.
During one of Apostle Paul’s missionary journeys, he preached to the Jews in Macedonia. The Jews who did not believe stirred up the crowd and Paul was sent out quickly by the brethren. When he arrived at Berea, he continued his teaching in the synagogue of the Jews. The Berean Jews were more noble in that:
(i) they received the word of God with readiness of mind,
(ii) they searched the Scripture daily
The results of their devotion are that:
(i) many of them believed and
(ii) many others believed such as noble women and men of Greece.
All these happened because of the Bereans’ noble character. This is the type we need in the Church today. That is the role of discipleship.
In this Great Commission passage, we can see what discipleship entails:
(a) Go (b) teach all nations – make disciples of all nations and (c) teach them to observe all things. This is the complete circle of discipleship. The Church that is ready to comply with the terms of the Great Commission must teach her members to go out and teach the gospel to win the lost to Christ and also bring them into the Church. The order says “baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost”. If the people are not assimilated into the Church, how could the Church baptise them? This is where prayerful, consistent follow up or visitation comes in. After winning them for Christ, assimilating them into the Church follows. The Church needs to teach them until they are mature and have a strong commitment for Christ – Acts 2:41-42. This will take us to point 3.
This passage is talking about how to build the body of Christ – The Church. God started this by giving us His Son Jesus Christ. When Jesus ascended to heaven, He led captivity captive and gave gifts to the Church (verse 11). He gave all the equipping of the Saints for the work of the ministry until we all come in the unity of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God… This means that the labour is for all people in the Church. When we all embrace this ministry of labouring until Christ is formed in all, then there will be revival in the Church. This is the role of disciples in revival.
Having understood what discipleship entails, we can now see clearly that the role of discipleship cannot be over-emphasised. A Church revival (one or two weeks) that left members as the same lukewarm people cannot be called revival. Effective and efficient discipleship system in the Church can inspire the whole Church into effective winning, assimilating and teaching ministry – which is disciple making.
Why were the Berean Jews more noble than the Jews in Macedonia according to this lesson?
What is the complete circle of discipleship?
How can people be assimilated into the Church?
What is the role of disciples in revival?
“Effective and efficient discipleship system is disciple making”. Discuss.
DIMANCHE 06/07/2014
COL. 2:1-8
La formation sur l’Apostolat doit viser à rendre les membres fortifiés dans la foi. L’église est remplie de plusieurs membres dont la foi est en dents de scie comme des montagnes russes. Ils semblent être forts dans la foi quand les conditions leur sont favorables mais faibles dans la foi dans le cas inverse. Le réveil ne peut pas durer dans une atmosphère de foi instable. Une congrégation dotée de membres ayant une foi solide connaîtra continuellement l’expérience du mouvement de Dieu, marchera de manière digne de Christ et jouira d’un réveil ininterrompu. Paul continua à prier pour les chrétiens de Colosses pour qu’ils soient établis dans la foi afin qu’ils soient remplis de la connaissance de Dieu. Ne permets pas à ta foi d’aller en dents de scie. Garde ta foi de façon stable en t’accrochant au Seigneur.
Point essentiel : De la même façon que tu as reçu Christ, marche de même en lui établi(e) dans la foi.
Axe de prière : Père, accorde-moi la grâce d’être établi(e) dans la foi et de marcher de manière digne de toi.
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