Unit 2 Theme: Agents Of Revival (Lessons 7-13)
20/7/2014 LESSON 8
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 61, 195
Devotional Reading: ACTS 13:4-12
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Scripture Lessons
PS. 119:88-96; HEB. 4:11-13; ACTS 2:36-47
Memory Verse: For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than sharpest two-edged sword,piercing even to the division of soul and Spirit, and of joint and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb. 4:12) NKJV
The ultimate goal of revival in the Church is to prepare members of the congregation to enter into the rest which God has prepared for His people. Many people in the Church are not diligent in their obedience to God’s commands. Many hide their sins from the pastor and many put on their holiness even though their spiritual garments have been soiled. However, whenever anyone allows the word of God to enter his life, the hidden things are clearly exposed. Those hidden things that are not discernible to man are clearly revealed by the word of God – the thoughts and the motives behind every action or word. Let the word of God carry out its work in your life today. Apply the word to yourself and not to another person.
Point of Emphasis: The word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Prayer Point: I open myself to Your word, O God. May Your word expose every ungodly thought or motive in my heart.
The word of God is supernatural revelation from God. The divine inspiration
communicates the law and precepts of God in order to be kept from error and
mistake. It also provides divine solution to mankind’s problem.
The early Christians’ ability to use the right word to witness Christ to the people caused amazing things to be done through them. This week’s lesson centres on the need for Christians to acquit themselves with the word of God and we should also realise the dynamic role which the word plays in revival.
It is only the word of God that meets life challenges in life. The word of God is the best teacher and guidance counsellor around. The writer of the Psalm 119 said he gained insight, understanding and discernment by reading and obeying God’s word. The place of the word in revival is vital because it quickens and puts life into the hearer. It revives and helps us to keep the testimony of the written word which comes from God (v. 88)
The Psalmist acknowledged the unchangeableness of the word. “Forever. O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven” (v. 89). The faithfulness of God continues till date. The author trusted the word implicitly and as such continue in it. He therefore, promised to keep the word in remembrance.
Thus, like David was delivered from his affliction because the word enabled him to keep closer to God, we must draw living water from the word of God. It is a pleasant companion at any time, if we confide in it. The word renews, the head knowledge is not enough, it must have deep impression on us.
It is the spoken word of God that comforts, protects and reconciles sinners to God in a revival. It makes them alive again spiritually. The word had been in existence from the beginning. It was with God and the word was God. There is nothing that exists that was made without Him. He was the source of life and that life was the light for humanity (Jn. 1:1-4). The fullness of the word of God is sufficient for our satisfaction in all our renewals.
There is no doubt as to the efficacy and reliability of the word of God. In view of this, there is a serious exhortation that Christians should labour diligently to study and live the word because it is the only place of rest. A preacher must quicken the listener and vice versa. This is true of true friendship.
The word of God is quick and powerful in seizing the conscience of the sinner, cuts him or her to the heart, comforts and binds the wounds of the soul. The word is so sharp that it can penetrate into the place where the soul and the spirit meet. There is nothing that we can hide from God. The word is not a respecter of any person. Preach the word as the Spirit leads then you will hear amazing testimonies. There is no revival without the undiluted word of God; other agents vital to revival are: the Holy Spirit, prayer, evangelism etc.
Peter delivered the divine message and there was a glorious manifestation of it. The great truth of the gospel is that the same Jesus who was crucified is whom we should owe allegiance to. The hearing of the word of repentance was the beginning and carrying on of the work of grace in the heart of the hearers. The Jews who were brought up in the opinion of the sufficiency of their religion suddenly changed and asked “men and brethren, what shall we do?” Peter told them to repent and that they shall receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
The word of God spoken by Peter led to the conversion of 3,000 souls. The disciples had a single purpose of preaching the word of God. Hence, the Lord added to them those that were genuinely saved.
The Church of God is designed to have an intense love for God and lost souls. The Church should organise revival where the undiluted word of God will be preached. The role of the word is vital in our revival in order to win souls for the expansion of God’s kingdom on earth.
L’ultime but du réveil dans l’Eglise est de préparer les membres de la congrégation à entrer dans le repos que Dieu a préparé pour son peuple. Beaucoup de gens dans l’Eglise ne sont pas diligents dans leur obéissance aux commandements de Dieu. Beaucoup cachent leurs péchés du pasteur et plusieurs revêtent leur sainteté même quoique leurs vêtements spirituels aient été souillés. Cependant, toutes les fois que quiconque permet à la parole de Dieu d’entrer dans sa vie, les choses cachées sont clairement exposées. Ces choses cachées qui ne sont pas perceptibles à l’homme sont clairement révélées par la parole de Dieu – les pensées et les motifs de chaque action ou parole. Que la parole de Dieu accomplisse son œuvre aujourd’hui dans ta vie. Applique-la à toi-même et non pas à personne d’autre.
Point essentiel : La parole de Dieu est un instrument qui discerne les pensées et les intentions du cœur.
Axe de prière : Je m’ouvre à ta parole, O Dieu. Que ta parole expose tout motif ou toute pensée impie dans mon cœur.
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