“So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate”. (Gen. 3:6) NKJV.
Sat. 6/9/2014
Sin Is Doing Those Things Which Are Not Fitting
Rom. 1:28-32
I know some people may still want to justify themselves that they are without sin. Here, Apostle Paul gives some examples of sin and he qualified them as things which are not fitting or expected in anyone who claims to know God and have no sin. If you look closely at these things, can you really say that you are free from them all? The lists include unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, strife, deceit, backbiting, hating God, being violent, pride, invention of evil things, boastful, disobedient to parents and authorities, unloving, untrustworthy, unmerciful, unforgiving and having pleasure in the sins of sinners though you yourself are not doing the act. What is your own from the list? Honestly pick them and repent of and from them.
Point of Emphasis: It takes God’s grace for anyone to be free from sin.
Prayer Point: Take those sinful habits you have identified one after the other and ask God to forgive you of them and give you victory over them.
SAMEDI 06/09/2014
RO. 1 :28-32
Nous savons qu’il existe des gens qui aimeraient encore se justifier qu’ils sont sans péché. L’apôtre Paul donne ici quelques exemples de péché qu’il qualifia de choses indignes ou qu’on n’espère de quiconque prétend connaître Dieu, n’ayant pas de péché. Si tu observes de près ces choses, peux-tu affirmer que tu en es exempt d’elles toutes. La liste comprend: l’injustice, l’immoralité sexuelle, la méchanceté, la convoitise, la malice, l’envie, le meurtre, les querelles, la ruse, la médisance, la haine envers Dieu, la violence, l’orgueil, la malignité, la fanfaronnade, ceux qui désobéissent à leurs parents et aux autorités, l’absence d’amour, être cruel, impardonnable et indigne de confiance, ayant plaisir dans le péché des pécheurs quoique tu ne sois pas la personne à poser l’acte. Lequel est le tien de cette liste? Choisis honnêtement les tiens et repends-toi d’eux.
Point essentiel : Il faut la grâce de Dieu pour quiconque d’être libre du péché.
Axe de prière : Prends ces habitudes de péché que tu as identifiées l’une après l’autre et demande à Dieu de t’en pardonner et de t’en donner la victoire.
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