Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new
(2 Cor. 5:17) NKJV.
Sat. 6/12/2014
Enter Through The Narrow Gate
Matt. 7:13-20
The redemption story has always emphasised that the gate to eternal life is narrow and that the way to spiritual maturity is difficult. Many Church members prefer the gospel of convenience to be preached to them. They prefer to travel on the broad way where they are permitted to do anything they like, to lead any form of lifestyle which satisfies their whim. The pastor who hammers on holiness and righteous living becomes unpopular to them and they label him archaic. They prefer the false prophets who promise them eternal life on a platter of gold and a path through life on a bed of roses. The lives of the false prophets and their eager followers however, stink before God. They are incapable of bearing good fruits which will abide for eternity. Have you been hopping from one Church to another shopping for the gospel that will satisfy your carnal taste? There is danger ahead unless you settle for the genuine redemption story.
Point of Emphasis: Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Prayer Point: Father, grant me the grace to go through the narrow gate to life.
SAMEDI 06/12/2014
MATT. 7 :13-20
L’histoire de la rédemption a toujours mis l’accent sur le fait que la porte de la vie éternelle est étroite et que la voie qui mène à la maturité spirituelle est difficile. Beaucoup de membres de l’église préfèrent que l’évangile de convenance leur soit prêché. Ils préfèrent voyager sur le chemin spacieux où il leur est permis de faire quoiqu’ils aiment, de mener n’importe quelle forme de style de vie qui satisfait leurs caprices. Le pasteur qui martèle sur la sainteté et la vie vertueuse devient impopulaire pour eux et ils l’étiquètent d’archaïque. Ils préfèrent les faux prophètes qui leur promettent la vie éternelle sur un plateau d’or et une voie à travers la vie sur un lit de roses. Cependant la vie des faux prophètes et celle de leurs adeptes zélés puent devant Dieu. Ils sont incapables de porter de bons fruits qui demeureront pour l’éternité. Sautes-tu d’une église à une autre pour ‘acheter’ l’évangile qui satisfera ton goût charnel ? Il y a du danger devant à moins que tu te contentes de l’histoire authentique de la rédemption.
Point essentiel : Mais étroite est la porte, resserré le chemin qui mènent à la vie, et il y en a peu qui les trouvent.
Axe de prière : Père, accorde-moi la grâce d’entrer par la porte étroite qui mène à la vie.
may God bliss d writer of dis Sunday is true dt many people did nt want to hear true gospel again bt prosperity n dt wi nt lead dem to anywhere.i always bliss God dt am a member of dis great church n God wi continue to increase d anointing of our G.O n other ministers dt re working wit him.
may God bliss d writer of dis Sunday is true dt many people did nt want to hear true gospel again bt prosperity n dt wi nt lead dem to anywhere.i always bliss God dt am a member of dis great church n God wi continue to increase d anointing of our G.O n other ministers dt re working wit him.