Memory Verse: “O Zion, you who bring good tidings, get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, you who bring good tidings, lift up your voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid; say to the cities of Judah, “Behold your God” (Isa. 40:9) NKJV
Turn People To God Not To Yourself
Isa. 40:1-11
There is a mistake that some Christians make today and perhaps that has been affecting the outcome or results of our soul-winning activities. Some people tend to present themselves to the people instead of Jesus. The ultimate aim of sharing the good tidings is to present Christ to the people as the Messiah and Saviour of the world. What the messenger in today’s passage is asked to do is to cry to Judah“behold, your God” (verse 9). All illustrations and testimonies we may give in the course of preaching the gospel must be to present God to people and cause the people to know God, come to Him, and give their totality to God.
Point of Emphasis: Jesus only must be our message.
Prayer Point: Lord, help me to present Christ to the people as the only hope of the world.