“So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19).
Sat. 27/12/2014
Being Attentive As A Disciple
Matt. 13:36-43
Jesus taught the people in parables. Different categories of people were in the crowd – those who stood as judges over what He said, mockers, spectators, unbelievers, consumers, learners etc. The disciples form a separate category – they were not satisfied with the face value of what Jesus taught, they desired to go deeper into what Jesus was teaching. This level of attention to details of what is being taught prepares the disciple to be like the Master. One can imagine that the disciples, if it were today, would have their notebooks and pens to jot down the new things which Jesus was teaching them. In every congregation, one sees members with their means of recording the sermon or the Bible study. They go back to revisit their notes so that they can fully absorb the principle being passed across. Do you make efforts to write down what God wants to teach you as you hear a sermon, read the Bible or listen to a message?
Point of Emphasis: Real learning begins after the teaching is concluded.
Prayer Point: Father, give me an unquenchable thirst for Your Word.
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