Memory Verse: And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterances. (Acts 2:4) NKJV
Mon. 7/7/2014
Holy Spirit Convicts Sinners
Jn. 16:1-11
Sin is a major obstacle to revival and restoration. There are people within the Church still swimming in sin. They have heard many sermons, yet they are not convicted. There are many outside the Church too who have been preached to but who are yet unconverted. The fact is, it is only the Holy Spirit who convicts and converts a sinner. Sinners are not converted through eloquent speech or high sounding theology. When the Holy Spirit is at work, even the most hardened criminal, whom many might have judged to be beyond hope, breaks down weeping asking for the forgiveness of sin. We need to pray that the Holy Spirit should come down and minister through us as we go out to evangelise.
Point of Emphasis: When the Holy Spirit has come, He will convict the world of sin.
Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, work through us to bring sinners to repentance in Jesus’ name.
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