And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. (Rom. 11:26) NKJV
Wed. 3/8/2016
Rejection Of Israel Not Final
Rom. 11:11-16
The children of Israel forsook the commandments of God, and for this reason He cast them out of the land He swore to give to their ancestor, Abraham. But He is a covenant keeping God. In order to fulfill His promise to Abraham, He could not cast them out of the land forever. He brought them back to the land. In the same vein, the Israelites have rejected the Messiah God sent to them, thereby forfeiting the access to eternal life. But as a nation, the forfeiture is not final. Besides the individual Jews who are accepting the gospel now, God has not cast away the nation of Israel finally. The nation is still relevant in the agenda of God and their hearts will still be moved to accept Jesus as the Messiah. Have you also strayed away from God? You still have the chance to return to Him in repentance because He does not cast away forever. Like the father of the prodigal son, He is waiting for your return.
Point of Emphasis: The covenant of God with the nation of Israel still stands in spite of their unbelief.
Prayer Point: Father, send Your Holy Spirit to convict and convert all our loved ones that are still ignoring Your offer of salvation.
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