Scripture Lesson: Jn. 3:16; Gen. 1:26; 2:7; Amos 3:3
Memory Verse: Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law (Rom. 13:8) NKJV
Thur. 17/11/2016
God’s Loving Grace
Jn. 3:16-17
The human race got it wrong but God is saying, I still love you”, I don’t want you to die and waste away, I still desire a relationship with you, your sinful nature and past notwithstanding, I have catered for you by sending Jesus. Because of His love, He sent Jesus to save us from the impending doom and its fatal consequences upon the whole human race. The transition from this terrestrial life to the great beyond has no rethink or exit opportunity once you embark on it and as such God is showing love which should be reciprocated by accepting Jesus as salvation is a gift which is activated by acceptance. It does not fall on all and it is not imputed on anyone without his or her consent. It is a gift that must be accepted. Since relationship must involve at least two parties, God’s loving position towards mankind is fixed and positive, He is waiting for you to come on board. He has played His loving role, the deal is only completed by your loving role of accepting God’s golden offer that brings you back to a loving relationship with Him. Mind you, it cannot be enforced, you need to decide for Him today.
Point of Emphasis: Salvation is a gift which must be accepted.
Prayer Point: The death of Jesus and His shed blood will not be in vain over my life.
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