Worldliness is one of the major problems plaguing the Church today. Worldliness is capable of bankrupting the Churches of God morally and spiritually unless it is promptly dealt with. Worldliness is very destructive. It can kill a Church. It ruins our effectiveness for the Lord. It can make a vibrant Church a dying Church. Worldliness renders believers fruitless and draws many Christians away from effectively serving God.
We must win the battle against worldliness. Worldliness is deadly. It is very subtle and cancerous. It makes what is wrong to seem normal or acceptable. Worldliness is a deadly fire extinguisher. It quenches the holy and hot zeal of believers for the Lord on heavenly things. Worldliness is a great destroyer. It robs believers of spiritual power, both to do and be. Worldliness makes the Christians to lose their saltiness and dim their testimonies.
The Church and the Christian must overcome worldliness. This is because. “A worldly Christian cannot shine for Christ. A worldly Church cannot reach the world for Christ” Undoubtedly, worldliness is evil. It makes sin to seem normal or “an old school stuff”. Worldliness not only distorts our vision of God but hides Jesus from our view.
Worldliness is pleasing man at the expense of God. It is friendship with the world (James 4:4) an inordinate desire for earthly things.
Today, we see worldliness everywhere in the Church and it is so sad. God wants us to avoid worldliness in every area of our lives, if we are truly His. You can conquer worldliness or decide to promote worldliness in your Church and world. The way out of worldliness entails the following:
Genuine salvation and sanctification experience.
Total separation from the world.
III. Breaking every link and cord between you and the world. Radical resolution never to bow to the flesh.
Real discipline of all your members. (flesh)
Feeding constantly on God’s word. Maintaining a life of strong prayer.
Above all, crucify yourself to the world. Do not be conformed to this world (Rom. 12:2). Do not love the world. Love God always with your whole heart!
Hotline Questions
Are you worldly in your thoughts and talk?
Are you worldly in your dressing and giving?
Are you one of those promoting worldliness in the Church of God?
How worldly is your Church? How worldly is your family? What is your contribution?
What are the things that are making worldliness to develop and grow in your life, family and Church? What are you doing about them?
What is your own definition of worldliness? How far or near is to God’s own definition?
What are your resolution and prayer?
What are the necessary corrections that you are expected to make in your life, family and Church?
Lord, cause me to walk in love and live in dominion every day of my life.
Lord, deliver me from worldliness in any form of its manifestation in my life and family (knowingly and unknowingly).
Holy Spirit, deliver me from anything that is cooling my love for Christ.
Dear Lord, a worldly Christian cannot shine for You, deliver me completely
from worldliness so that I can keep on shining for You all the days of my
“Worldliness can make a vibrant Church a dying Church”… O Lord, deliver
GOFAMINT from worldliness, so that she will not become a dying Church.
Holy Spirit, arrest and transform all members and ministers who are
importing and promoting worldliness in GOFAMINT.
Lord, correct us in whatever way, the Leadership and the Pulpits are encouraging worldliness in GOFAMINT .
Lord, break every link and cord between me and the world, help me to
live a life of total separation from anything sinful.
Heavenly Father, correct us in whatever way that what is wrong now,
seems normal and what is righteousness, seems strange to us.
Holy Father, help us and deliver us from whatever make us to love what is
repulsive to You and hate what You love.
Lord, deliver us from inordinate desire for earthly wealth.
Lord, create in me the hunger and thirst to please God in all aspects.
Personal Prayer point for the day (Ps. 6:9).
Special intercession for the day. All GOFAMINT children.
Special ministration for the day – As determined by the Pastor.
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