TEXTS: II COR. 10:3-6; EPH.4: 27; JOHN 14:30
God wants His Best for our lives. Many believers are just mere shadow of the great things God destined them to be. Many people are living and dying in the wilderness of their promised land. Many people are under performing, under achieving and going bankrupt because of satanic strongholds in their lives.
According to Vito Rallo, “If a person allows a stronghold to go unchecked in his or her life, that person will continue to suffer failure and defeat. That person’s life will be more difficult than it has to be: I am not saying your Christian walk is always going to be easy but I do believe many people suffer needlessly”. Further, Vito Rallo says. “Even though you may be born-again, spirit – filled believer, there may be one or more areas of your life in which you have no victory because of a powerful stronghold. It might be an addiction, sexual sin, depression or fear”.
Satanic strongholds are hidden snares that trap and keep us from living a victorious life. Satan uses strongholds to trap us and render us powerless in our spiritual warfare. Satanic strongholds can make believer a failure; a perpetual failure in his walk with God; worship of God and warfare. Someone defines spiritual strongholds as “a pattern of thought, emotion or action that enables the great thief ‘satan’ to rob, steal and plunder our lives. It keeps us from an intimate knowledge of God and prevents us from doing His will”. Strongholds are wrong mindsets that keep us in bondage. Satan uses strongholds to keep believers incapacitated.
Why Satanic Strongholds Must Be Destroyed
From the truth gleaned from Christian books and Bible commentaries; we can say the following basic facts about strongholds and why they must be promptly and properly destroyed.
Strongholds pose obstacles and restrictions on our paths. They are forces that hinder people from doing what they ought to do and the way it ought to be done. Strongholds are behind some of the failures and embarrassing situations that destabilize many people in their life pursuits. They hinder believers from dealing effectively with the devil in their lives. Strongholds are fountains of tears and mysterious problems. They generate problems that abort dreams. They cause good people to experience woeful results in the face of serious hardwork and pursuit. They cause mysterious decline, reduction, reverse, hatred and opposition. Satanic strongholds could manifest as mysterious sickness that come on someone when he or she is at the verge of success.
Satanic strongholds must be timely discovered and thoroughly destroyed. Strongholds promote unusual weakness, foolishness, social and spiritual madness.
There are various kinds of strongholds:
(1) Mental strongholds that develop when we dwell on wrong thoughts for an extended time.
(2) Strongholds of sinful habits develop when we consistently practice wrong behavior. Eventually that bad habits grow into satanic strongholds
(3) Emotional strongholds develop when we harbor wrong and unhealthy feelings.
Beloved, we must identify every stronghold in our lives. Satanic strongholds reduce our ability to fight well, the battles that are against us. They help the enemy to defeat us cheaply and badly. They make us vulnerable. Therefore, every foothold of the devil on your life such as: unforgiving spirit, bitterness, anger, lying etc must be destroyed. You need the illumination of the word of God, the yoke breaking power of the Holy Spirit and prevailing prayer of the righteous to overcome all satanic strongholds in your life and family. There is no satanic stronghold that is beyond destruction. Every strong hold shall be destroyed today as we pray.
Lord, cause me to walk in love and live in dominion every day of my life.
Lord, by Your mercy and truth, forgive and purge me of every sin that has open up my life to demonic strongholds.
Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see every hidden stronghold of the enemy in my life and family.
O Lord, reveal and remove every satanic stronghold in our lives that are preventing us from being the best You want us to be.
O Lord, destroy every satanic stronghold that promote unusual weakness in all areas of my life.
God that answers by fire, destroy any form of satanic stronghold of poverty in my life.
O Lord, destroy the strongholds of ungodliness, sinful habit, bitterness, anger and unforgiving spirit in my life and family
O Lord, destroy all forms of mental strongholds in GOFAMINT that are weighing us down.
O Lord, pull down every form of satanic stronghold in this local Assembly.
O Lord, destroy all forms of satanic strongholds that promote mysterious problems and woeful results in the face of serious labor among us.
O Lord, set ablaze any form of satanic stronghold that hinders divine manifestation in our lives.
O Lord, give our leaders total victory over satanic strongholds in their lives and families.
Lord, uproot completely any satanic stronghold that is promoting premature death among us.
Special personal prayer points for the day (Ps. 6:9)
Special ministrations for the day – Breaking satanic strongholds by anointing power.
This prayer points met at the point of my need nd spoke to my life. Henceforth, am believing God for a new result in every areas of my life, family nd in my local assembly.
Thank you Lord for Destroying every stronghold. In one voice we also SET Ablaze every demonic stronghold hindering the peace and progress of Nigeria. In Jesus name.Amen
The almighty God will break down every stronghold that block our view from seeing and knowing the plan of God for our lifes
This prayer points met at the point of my need nd spoke to my life. Henceforth, am believing God for a new result in every areas of my life, family nd in my local assembly.
Thank you Lord for Destroying every stronghold. In one voice we also SET Ablaze every demonic stronghold hindering the peace and progress of Nigeria. In Jesus name.Amen