TEXTS: II COR. 5:7; GAL. 5:6, MATT. 17:14-21 MARK 9:14-28, EPH. 6:16
God wants believers to live the life of faith. We cannot survive the end time challenges without walking by faith. We need dynamic faith to extinguish all the flaming arrows being hurled at us from different quarters of satanic kingdom. It has been said that “every Christian is a born warrior. It is his destiny to be assaulted. It is his duty to attack.” Faith like a shield protects us against attack.
It is very dangerous to be faithless in this perilous age because faith has been described as “the first Grace and the foundation of all other true graces”. We need faith to walk triumphantly in the storms of life; singing without sinking. Faithlessness leads to powerlessness. A weak faith produces a powerless service or ministry. Unbelief weakens one’s trust in God and makes one a victim in the crises of life.
Faith works by love. We cannot walk in love and live in dominion without faith. Faith in God can make anyone a living miracle and a reigning champion in his/her generation. Faith can move mountains, cause miracles, heal and accomplish great things for God. Nothing is impossible to him who has a faith that is alive and genuine!
Faith in God can turn any form of impossibility to possibility. It can reverse what is humanly irreversible and revoke what is humanly irrevocable. Faith is our indispensable weapon. You cannot go further than your faith. You cannot experience the power and miracles of God beyond the level of your faith. The divine other is “to every man according to his faith” Be it unto you according to your faith (Matt. 7:28-29; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19). Faith is a valuable tool in our dealing with God and in our warfare against Satan. Without faith nothing works. Without faith, it is impossible to please God or get anything from Him. It is your faith that will make you whole. It takes faith to be alive. If your faith is alive, you will be alive and if your faith is dead you will have a dying destiny. Faith gives victory in the midst of difficult situations of life. You cannot grow stronger nor rise higher than your level of faith. We can simply say that without faith no future, no victory, no rest, no result! Nothing works in Christianity without faith. Inability to walk by faith is a great spiritual sickness. Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, hears the inaudible and makes the impossible possible.
You must act in faith
A faithless believer or minister “cannot receive the blessings which he might have had. He cannot do the works which he might have done”. You must kill your unbelief to walk in faith and live in dominion. According to the Preachers Outline and Sermon Bible volume 1: “Unbelief is doubting Christ Himself, the object of one’s faith. It is questioning the power of Christ: Is He really strong enough to do what is needed to save, deliver, heal and help to remove evil empires, entrenched wickedness; destructive greed and the threat of wars? Unbelief is doubting the power of the Lord with oneself. It is questioning if one is close enough to Christ for Him to hear and answer or grant enough power to meet need. Unbelief is doubting one’s own faith. It is questioning the strength of one’s own dependence and confidence in Christ.
Beloved, you must walk in faith. It is not an option to all who wants to please God and achieve great things in life. Faith comes by hearing, Fasting, Praying, reading the Bible and other valuable books. Do all you can to increase your faith!
Lord, empower me to daily walk in Love and live in Dominion.
O Lord, heal my faith and help my Unbelief.
Holy Spirit, energize me to always walk in faith in all Circumstances.
Father, deliver me from anything that weakens my trust in You.
O Lord, deliver me from Faithlessness, make me a living miracle and a reigning champion every day of my life.
Read Ps. 56:3 and Isaiah 12:2, O Lord, increase my faith in you, help me to operate my faith life from the level of Isaiah 12:2 in all circumstances of life.
Faith in God can turn any form of impossibility to possibility. Lord, make every impossible situation of my life and family possible (mention them).
O Lord, help me to give serious attendance to Hearing, Reading, Praying and Fasting rightly and regularly to increase my faith. Lord, make me a Bible-driven believer.
O Lord, deliver us from faithlessness in GOFAMINT.
O Lord, help us to do exploits for You all-round the year in all our Churches.
As led by the Holy Spirit.
Your Personal Prayer points for the day Ps. 6:9.
Corporate intercessory Prayer point: O Lord, make all impossibilities among us possible.
Ministration for the day. For people facing difficult situations and those presently experiencing protracted illness.