In our world, the spiritual controls the natural. The earlier the believers know and act on this, the better. Many of those things we see that happen during the daylight are always being decided and hatched in the spirit realm in the night. Activities in the natural realm are largely controlled in the spiritual realm, either positive or negative.
The incident in Exodus chapter 17 was an example. Joshua the great warrior and the entire host of Israel were engaged in battle by Amalekites’ Army. Surprisingly, as the soldiers went to the battlefield, Moses and his co- ministers went to a different place, which was the mountain of the Lord. There and then, whenever Moses raised his hands up, the Israelites army prevailed but whenever he let his hands down, the enemies prevailed. The raising up of hands typifies prayer. Simply put, Moses was raising up his hand and praying on the mountain. Through the prayer action and inaction on the mountain, the outcome of the battle on the battlefield was being determined.
Unknown to many of us, agents of darkness are busy day and night operating in the dark to determine people’s fate on earth. Sufficeit to say that Christians are not meant to be indolent or inactive, no! We have been instructed to meet our God in the secret place of prayer so that we, in conjunction with God, can determine what will happen in our world. How many of us are conscious of the fact that we can do and undo in prayer? “In God, we can do valiantly”. That is the great opportunity that presents itself to us on a platter of gold this victory month.
When we meet God in prayer, in the secret place, the way we are supposed to do it; things take an upward turn in our lives. We move from natural to supernatural; from human to divine level; from carnality to spirituality; from sickness to healthiness; from victimization to victory; from nobody to somebody; from slavery to dominion etc. That is what we are in for this month, especially today.
1. Thank You, Lord because you are in control of the whole earth and in our individual lives.
2. Thank You dear Lord, for Your readiness and willingness to meet us at the point of our needs today.
3. We are here today Lord, whatever is there that may hinder Your presence from us, let the blood of Jesus nullify them.
4. We stand on the covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ and we ask for Your presence in our lives today in Jesus’ name.
5. You promised that You will walk and work in our midst, we are here today for that purpose, works in our lives, touch and transform our lives in Jesus’ name.
6. We have come to the secret place of the Most High today, hover upon us and cover our lives with Your healing and miracle working wings in Jesus’ name.
7. Dear Lord, release upon my life, Your healing virtue that will destroy any negative work of darkness that might have been deposited into my life in Jesus’ name.
8. Let Your hand of miracle touch every life that needs Your touch in every area of our lives today in Jesus’ name.
9. Tokens of evil and weapons of the power of darkness are destroyed in everyone’s life in Jesus’ name.
10. Let all old and evil things disappear and let new and good things ensue in our individual lives in Your presence today in Jesus’ name.
11. We command that every bondage in the lives of everyone be loosed in Jesus’ name.
12. We pray that every evil power that works against anyone’s life among us be broken and all things begin to work together for good in Jesus’ name.
13. All evil pronouncements and effects of curses be nullified in everyone’s life in Jesus’ name.
14. Lord, by Your power, change our lives from what it is at present to what it should be in Jesus name.
15. Let Your anointing that breaks yokes and solves problems come upon our lives in Jesus’ name.
16. Dear Lord, my life must not remain the same again, I assume Your power and my life embrace Your glory in the mighty name of Jesus.
Focus: Overcoming Hindrances to the moVe of the Holy Spirit among Us
It is through the help of the Holy Spirit we were saved, through Him we were established, and through Him we have our relationship with God. He is the gentle voice that often correct us when we are wrong and praise us when we do well. He is our Comforter, Teacher and Guide and without Him we will miss the road of heaven.
The early Church was just a gathering of people that might soon fade away for the fear of the Jews; but on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came and baptized the Church with power, since then, He became the General Overseer of the Church (Acts 2:1–4).
Any attempt to hinder the move of the Holy Spirit in the Church will put off the light of the Church and turn it to a powerless Church.
Hindrances to the move of the Holy Spirit.
a. When you don’t know Him (He is God).
b. When He is not residing in you. Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
c. When Christians engage in secret sin.
d. When you don’t obey His voice promptly.
e. When leaders fail to receive from God for the Church.
f. When we are full of gossips.
g. When you keep postponing His instructions.
h. When we rob God of quality praises.
i. When we fail to tarry before God either as a Church or individual.
j. When our service or worship lack reference to God.
k. Poor prayer.
Where all these are happening, the Holy Spirit has been hindered and the flesh takes over.
Discussion Points
1. From the above points, how many of them affected you or your Church? (Discuss them and write out the new steps to be taken.)
2. What are the areas you, as a person, need to correct?
3. The poor response of people to Amen or Hallelujah in our services, could it be as a result of hindering the Holy Spirit in our Services?
4. Considering the kind of songs and different styles of today’s worship, do you think the Holy Spirit is not hindered?
Surely, if Holy Spirit is not hindered; our service will be heaven on earth, the Church will be blessed and increase in membership will be consistent.
1. God, forgive us in all areas we have gone astray.
2. Holy Spirit come again into our services and be the controller.
3. Holy Spirit, rekindle Your fire in my life.
4. Holy Spirit, rekindle Your fire in our Church.
5. O God, destroy every altar of flesh and Satan in our hearts.
6. Like the days of old, Holy Spirit move in GOFAMINT.
7. God, restore everyone of us, both ministers and members of GOFAMINT in Jesus’ name.
8. Father, restore our zeal for evangelism through the power of the Holy Spirit
9. Holy Spirit, raise more people with fresh anointing to do great things for Your Church.
10. In this new Era of GOFAMINT, Holy Spirit, move Your Church forward globally.
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