God is interested in the affairs of Nigeria as a nation. This nation had passed through many crises in her Nation-building, yet she remains one indivisible entity up till date.
However, Nigeria is embroiled in fresh crisis in her polity, economy, education, sectoral allocation, religion and social welfare.
Yes, evildoers are increasing daily. Nigeria has gotten to the height of man’s inhumanity to man. People had made covenant with death, grave, demons, witches, wizards and other inanimate objects in the universe.
Religion leaders are not helping the matter. There is desecration of the holy writ (The Bible) and strange interpretations to support unwholesome practices.
Shedding of innocent blood, menace of “Boko Haram” and other monsters, corruption in virtually all facets of the society; Embezzlements and lootings of the National treasury have become the order of the day. If there is anytime to cry to God for our beloved country, it is now!
1. Thank You Lord, for keeping this country together, despite our collective rebellions against You.
2. Lord, we appreciate Your mercy for making Nigeria to suffer less than the country deserves.
3. Heavenly Father, thank You for not allowing the triumph of evil; despite its ravaging effects on Nigeria as an entity.
4. Lord, cleanse this land of innocent blood and deliver the country from all destroyers of lives and properties.
5. Gracious Father, You are a mighty warrior and great in battle, stretch forth Your hand against all unrepentant taskmasters of this country.
6. Deliver Nigeria from the bondage of corruption, hypocrisy and deception (Rom. 8:21).
7. Lord, break the stronghold of “Boko Haram” and other miscreant agents of monstrosity in all nooks and crannies of Nigeria.
8. Heavenly Father, flush out all corrupt security agents who have become security risks; sanitize Nigerian Judiciary and electoral system.
9. All economic saboteurs through oil bunkering, money laundry, diversion of project fund and cash flight, be frustrated in Jesus’ name.
10. In the name of Jesus, all perpetrators of evil and anti-progress shall proceed no longer in Nigeria (II Tim. 3:8-9).
11. In the name of Jesus, we incapacitate all stationary, mobile and intermediate demons on assignment over Nigeria.
12. “Righteousness exalts a nation”, Lord, send down revival of holiness and righteousness across Nigeria in the name of Jesus Christ.
13. We plead the blood of Jesus on Nigeria and her citizenry in Jesus name (Rev. 12:11).
14. Heavenly Father, restore the lost glory of Nigeria, cripple all attitudes of self-centeredness, lack of accountability and probity.
15. Lord, raise up permanent intercessors for Nigeria, who will never give up over this country (Isa. 62:6-7; 59:16).
16. In the name of Jesus, Nigeria will survive and fulfill divine agenda of leading end-time world evangelism.
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