Scripture Lesson: Jn. 3:16; Gen. 1:26; 2:7; Amos 3:3
Memory Verse: Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law (Rom. 13:8) NKJV
Fri. 18/11/2016
Jn. 3:1-8; 4:34
As it is in the natural, so it is also in the spiritual, birth signifies the beginning of either a natural life or the spiritual life. The story of the new birth and regeneration are central to the restoration of the lost relationship and fellowship with God. Regeneration is an act of God alone in which He renews the human heart and makes his spirit come alive again to relate and fellowship with God. in regeneration, God acts at the origin and deepest point of human person to affect the functional distortion caused by sin. This work of regeneration and new birth is effected by the Holy Spirit quickening us to spiritual life from spiritual death by changing the disposition of our heart, inclining it back to God as the inclination and disposition of the heart reflects the real man – Jn. 14:16-18. Regeneration begins the process of restoring God’s image in our live. Since regeneration is spiritual rebirth, have you experienced it in your life?
Point of Emphasis: The Holy Spirit works upon our heart to change our person.
Prayer Point: Lord, let me experience the new birth and sustain my relationship with you.
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