Memory Verse: The salutation of Paul with my own hand, which is a sign in every epistle; so I write. (2 Thess. 3:17) NKJV
Tue. 2/2/2016
Teaching Through Writing
Rom. 1:1-16
All of Paul’s other letters arise from a particular occasion and have a definite purpose. Romans is different. From the content, it seems to have a specific aim which was to teach the church. Since Paul did not start the church in Rome and had not yet even visited it, this letter was less personal and more systematic in its presentation of foundational Christian principles. Paul wanted to help establish them by explaining God’s plan of salvation (Rom. 1:11). He addressed subjects such as sin and the need for Christ’s sacrifice, faith, righteousness, baptism, being led by the Holy Spirit and living a Christian life. He wanted to help the Jewish and gentile believers live in harmony.
Point of Emphasis: These things command and teach.
Prayer Point: Help me Lord, to understand the fundamentals of faith and to live by them.
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