MEMORY VERSE: Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. Acts 20:26 (NKJV)
Tue. 26/1/2016
I Know The Thoughts I Have For You
Jer. 29:10-14
The children of Israel continued their lives of servitude in Babylonian exile, perhaps, thinking that was how life would continue with them. In today’s passage however, God stepped into their situation with a message of hope and comfort. Up till today, the nation Israel has continued to see the fulfilment of this message. In previous verses, God had warned them against false prophets who will promise some quick fixes in their predicament or cause them to completely despair. Nonetheless, God promised them of His divine restoration after 70 years has expired. Often times, Christians are deceived and get their problems compounded as they look for quick fixes outside God. As God has a plan for the nation Israel, He also has for individuals. Moses, Joshua, Jeremiah, Paul, etc. are typical examples. Aside God’s specific plan for His children, His general plans are revealed in the scriptures which include salvation for the whole world, good health, long life, etc. Your situation not withstanding at the moment, God has the best of plans for you.
Point of Emphasis: When you are tempted to complain about a painful circumstance, stop and ask if God might be preparing you for a special task.
Prayer Point: Lord, help me to discover and fulfil your mandate for my life.
One Reply to “#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Tue. 26/1/2016”
This is awesome,God bless GOFAMINT