If we are confronted with the question of what is our greatest goal on earth today as individual believers, only God knows what the answers would be.
If we care to know, soul-wining is supposed to be our number one target or goal on earth. Why? Soul-winning is God’s heart-beat. As much as His desire for us is to have a good and prosperous life here on earth, His greatest desire is for us to be saved and have hope of living with him eternally (Psalm 49:7-9). If there is any child of God who is yet to catch the soul-winning vision, something is seriously wrong with such a person. This is because all sinners are on their way to hell. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only remedy to save them. Failure on the part of a child of God to see this looming danger and view the preaching of the gospel as the only escape route is disastrous.
The scenario in the passage we read today teaches us great lessons. Peter and his colleagues had failed in their fishing business. They worked throughout the night, they caught no single fish. Jesus came to the scene and intervened, it resulted in catching multitudes of fishes. One would have thought victory had come at last. But strangely, Jesus told Peter that there was a higher miracle and higher calling. He would be “catching men” (Fisher of men) Peter’s eyes opened, he abandoned the miracle-fishes and followed Jesus to become fishers of men (soul-winning).
Jesus suffered and died on the cross so that human being can be saved. All that we need to do is to take the good-news to the sinners that they too may be saved.
As a child of God and member of GOFAMINT, soul-winning is a task that must be done. Failure to do this is failure in our calling. Each of us should look back and look around, and ask how many souls could you see that have been won to Christ by you in the assembly where you worship, how many souls were won there by you? Soul-winning is a necessity. Paul said “woe is unto me, if I do not preach the gospel” (I Cor. 9:16).
Thank you Lord for the redemption work that Jesus did and completed on the cross.
Thank you for the people who yielded themselves to preach the gospel to me.
I thank you for the salvation of my soul which is my greatest treasure.
Thank you for other members of my family and also my Church who are also saved. Thank you, Father.
Forgive me, Lord, for my failure to preach the gospel to other people.
Open my eyes, Lord, to see the dangers that await all sinners if they die without Christ.
Remove and every element of wickedness in me which makes me feel comfortable without preaching the gospel to the sinners.
Help me to preach the gospel everyday of my life.
Help me to preach the gospel in season and out of season.
Help me to use my life, attitudes and words to preach the gospel.
Any member of my family that is yet to be saved dear Father; saves him.
Every member of our Church that is not yet saved, Lord saves him.
Empower our ministers with a new anointing for gospel propagation and soul-winning messages.
Strong and new anointing upon the General Overseer and other ministers to win souls in great numbers as they minister on GOF T.V
Let the wind of soul-winning fill all our assemblies for increment in number of adherents in all our assemblies.
We command upward surge in the attendance of every GOFAMINT assembly in Jesus name.
We pray for God’s blessing and protection over soul-winners all over the world in Jesus name, amen.
We pray for increased anointing upon all our evangelists oh dear Father
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