Memory Verse: Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. (1 Cor 11:1) NKJV
Sat. 16/1/2016
You And Your Mentor(s)
1 Cor. 11:1-3
The relationship between you and your mentor is very vital to your success in life. It must, therefore, be sincere, cordial, purposeful and result driven. Your mentor will guide you with his or her experience, maturity and patient monitoring, having regard to your known weaknesses and strength. He may furnish you with materials and sometimes render financial assistance, if need be. He or she may give you specific tasks and assignment with deadlines. Mentors will not do the work for you, but they provide patterns for you to train. As they do some of these things, you need to follow their examples, heed their advice, read their books, carry out their assignments, answer their questions sincerely and objectively, work hard to beat given deadlines, make frequent references to them and their works, be close to them and cherish what they cherish. You can only benefit from mentoring if you are responsible, humble and accountable.
Point of Emphasis: Be accountable to your chosen mentor(s)
Prayer Point: Lord, give me helpful mentors and the grace to work under them.
One Reply to “#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sat. 16/1/2016”
Please if possible kindly release the lesson body [explanations] on Saturday morning so we can peruse before Sunday. Usually no time to go through it on Sunday morning before going to church. Thanks
Please if possible kindly release the lesson body [explanations] on Saturday morning so we can peruse before Sunday. Usually no time to go through it on Sunday morning before going to church. Thanks