Memory Verse: Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. (1 Cor 11:1) NKJV
Fri. 15/1/2016
Strategic Partnerships
Col. 4:7-15
Paul was chosen and sent by God to preach the gospel to Gentile nations. He could not do it alone. He worked with strategic partners to achieve his life’s purpose. A number of his fellow servants and ministers are mentioned in the passage selected for today’s devotional. He worked closely with Barnabas as shown in Acts 13 and 14; and later he chose Silas as his strategic partner in Act 16. You need people to assist you in the journey. You need other believers to work with. At work, you need superiors and subordinates to contribute their quotas to make the business successful and prosperous. You need your spouse to complement your moves. Your children and other relatives are not around you just for fun. They all have roles to play in the scheme of things, particularly in assisting to achieve your life’s purpose. However, you need to place a demand on them to deliver. In ministry, you need your Elders, Deacons and workers to succeed. Partner with them as a strategy to achieve your mission on earth.
Point of Emphasis: You can’t do it alone, you need others.
Prayer Point: Lord, give me the cooperation of my strategic partners so I can achieve my goal in life.
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